... to the LitWorks.com website, which provides literature and language resources to students worldwide working towards external examinations – and to their teachers.

What students?
Grades 11-13
Sixth Form
Further Education College
What examinations?
International Baccalaureate
US Advanced Placement
UK GCE Advanced Level
What resources?

To Students
- Are you studying or teaching Shakespeare's Othello, Macbeth, Hamlet or King Lear?
- Is Jane Austen's Persuasion or Chaucer's Canterbury Tales on your exam texts list?
- Is close textual analysis (of poetry, prose and non-literary writing) an important part of your English course?
These downloadable books are designed to help you...
To Teachers
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Five of the study guides have been fully and independently reviewed by the US College Board (see the individual WordSmith Guides pages to read brief extracts from the reviews).
Given the changing circumstances schools now find themselves in, we are working to adapt the materials we supply to help teachers and students meet the challenges of distance learning.
We have:
o Removed the restrictions on copying and editing content from the WordSmith Guides files, to make it easier for teachers (and students) to use the resources selectively and modify them as necessary
o Expanded and updated the Shakespeare commentaries by adding Essay Banks of around two hundred prompts, giving students a wide choice of topic for their thinking, discussion (where possible) and writing
o Introduced automatic discounts for multiple purchase of the printable editions, on a sliding scale of up to 45% for ten or more copies
o Halved the fees for our Site Licence, which allows two-year, on-screen-only access to the resources at a considerable saving

We have selected a variety of literature texts commonly studied in Grade 9 upwards, and produced for them a series of study tasks based on actual classroom work as well as on past IB, AP and A level assessments.
'These prompts are a terrific tool for generating class discussions, creating short answer exams, or longer essay assignments. I have purchased a number of them and am impressed with each one.'
From our Commendations section
The Prompts are not book-length study commentaries like The WordSmith Guides. Rather, they are outline resources, consisting of a range of questions and assignments designed to take students into the heart of each chapter of a novel (or each scene of a play, or each poem in a collection) as they have finished reading it. Together they help build up an overview of each of the five SCASI aspects of the whole piece of writing (Setting, Character, Action, Style and Ideas - the fundamental structure of The WordSmith Guides themselves).
Prompts are available for works by the following authors (and we are steadily adding more authors and texts to the list):
For more details, click on the WordSmith Prompts book cover to the right.