
King Lear
A Study Commentary
ISBN 0-9580058-4-2
Teaching Copy : US$14.95
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Student Edition : US$14.95
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“A superb teacher’s resource: it offers a beautifully structured plan for a curriculum unit on Lear.” From an AP Central Teachers’ Resources Review.
'This is a fantastic resource. In fact, I bet I could just stand in front of the classroom and read from it, give the essays and ask the questions and I'd have a phenomenal series of lessons. How do you manage to do such terrific work each time?'
From our Commendations section
This is a new edition, enlarged and updated by the addition of an Essay Bank of some two hundred essay titles modelled on exam questions from a wide range of assessment structures - AP, IB and A Level among them.
It has also been revised to align it with the newly published paperback edition (write to us if you'd like details -
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'I have used the WordSmith site licence extensively in the delivery and the revision of my Diploma courses, and have experienced excellent returns. The nature of the licence, and of the texts themselves, is such that together they provide the flexibility of working individually, in whole groups or in small groups, depending on the nature of the task.' (From our Commendations section.)
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TEACHING COPY vs STUDENT EDITION: The Teaching Copy has suggested responses to the study tasks built into the text, whereas the Student Edition carries them in a separate Answers Booklet at the endof the resource, so that teachers may withold them if they wish, or dispense them on an ongoing basis.
SAMPLE SECTION: Use the link at the foot of the page.
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The Commentary will help you prepare the play for the classroom. Among other things it will suggest some answers to the tricky questions your students are likely to ask...and it will be an invaluable resource for your stronger students who wish to do independent study of King Lear, beyond what you yourself have time to offer.
How the Commentary will help you...
If you are an International Baccalaureate (IB) student following the Language A Literature course (first examinations 2021), the Commentary will help you prepare for both internal and external assessment, not only by bringing you to a full understanding of the play but also by enhancing your analytical and critical skills generally, in ways that will improve your performance throughout the course.
If you have chosen the Language and Literature option the Commentary will support your preparations for both internal and external assessment, in particular by expanding your understanding of how language is used in both literature and life.
If you are preparing for Advanced Placement (AP) the Commentary's line-by-line analysis will give you a very complete insight into the play's fine detail, and help you develop the skills of close textual comment. It will also encourage you to think about some of the wider aspects of the play so that you will feel confident about using King Lear to answer Free-Response Questions.
If you are a GCE A Level student it will improve your understanding of the play's subtleties, and will help you with your course work and with commentary and essay questions in the final exam.
If you are an undergraduate student (or a general reader) you will find that the Commentary, scholarly in its focus yet informal in its tone, looks at the play in a refreshingly different way and comes to some new conclusions about it.
How the Commentary works...
o It explores what's 'really' happening in each scene - what the situation is, why the characters are speaking and behaving the way they are, and how the play is moving forward.
o More importantly, it asks why Shakespeare is making things happen in that particular way.
o It draws your attention to the ways in which you will be expected to explore individual passages in the Oral Commentary part of the IB Diploma course, and in response to written commentary questions in AP textual analysis questions and A Level exams. It also includes sample commentary questions and a model commentary.
o It carries a wide range of essay questions in the style of IB, AP, A Level and other examination systems.
o It explains the troublesome words and ideas when they are especially important or interesting.
o It's set up to be used side by side with your own copy of the play. Line references are given in the margin of the Commentary to make it easier for you to move from one to the other. (References differ from one edition of the play to another, but not by very much.)
o The Overview section for each scene lists other, broader points of interest, under useful headings which will help you when you come to revise.
o The Student Response sections record some of the things students have said about the play and about the issues raised by it - growing old, letting go, love, honesty and dishonesty, filial ingratitude, loyalty and the price of loyalty, the responsibilities of power, the right to rule, compassion, reconciliation...
o All the way through the Commentary essay questions are used as a way of investigating the play further, and also as a means of encouraging you to think about King Lear not just as an exam text but as a piece of working theatre.
o Quotations, line references and essay questions are colour-coded throughout.
o Since the book is delivered as a .pdf file, the whole range of Adobe tools (most notably the Find option) can be applied when the guide is being used on-screen. This makes researching the text much easier.
o The book is designed to be printed out (if you wish to use it in hard copy) in Letter format (8.5" x 11") so that it can be easily coil-bound or held in a ring binder.
Enjoy your King Lear studies, whether or not you decide to use the Commentary. You may find they change some of your views on how plays work, why Shakespeare is a great dramatist, and even on why people behave the way they do. King Lear is perhaps Shakespeare's most moving play, and you'll see why when you reach its powerful ending.
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