Workbook Editions

Jane Austen's Persuasion

A Workbook Edition

ISBN 0-9756709-2-1

Teaching Copy : US$14.95

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Classroom Collection: 10 : US$48.95

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Classroom Collection: 20 : US$88.95

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Why buy 'book copies' of Persuasion for your class when you can get so much more -  
o A full, newly edited copy of the original text
o A study guide in several different versions
o A student work file
o A lesson preparation source
o A computer-based research tool
o Help for students preparing for pre-university examinations (AP, IB and A Level)
             - by using the WordSmith Guides Workbook Edition of the novel?       
This edition of Persuasion has been designed to provide a flexible alternative to the novel as a standard printed and bound book, one that will be particularly helpful to students preparing the text for examination purposes. 
Here are some of the ways in which it can be used. 
By teachers... 
Either on-screen or in hard copy, as a lesson base and an exam preparation resource. The margin notes are very detailed, encourage perceptive dialogue about the text, and make endless suggestions for independent student work. Essay topics in the style of Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate Language A1 and GCE A Level questions are an integral part of the workbook. There are also practice textual analysis questions (sound preparation for the IB Unseen Commentary exam, and similar assessments in other examination systems) and AP-based multiple-choice questions.
By students... 
On-screen, as a means of reading the text. The Comments feature can be switched off in the Word version of the study guide, allowing students to simply read the novel as a novel, if that is what they wish to do (either as a preliminary activity before they begin studying it in detail, or as a final one when they have completed that process - or both). 
On-screen (with the Comments feature switched on), as a means of reading the text with continuous prompts drawing their attention to significant details.  
On-screen, as a means of researching the novel. Both the text and the notes can be searched, separately. If, for instance, students wish to investigate a particular character (Admiral Croft, say), or one of the novel's settings (Bath), or a theme (marriage), they can use the Search option to locate all the relevant references in the text. Alternatively, they can search just the notes, which will allow them a quick overview (linked to the text) of important aspects of their research topic. 
In hard copy, as a classroom or independent study resource. When the book is printed out (on Letter or A4 paper) its wide-margin landscape format and the generous spacing of the text itself allow much room for handwritten comments. Students are able to respond on each page to most of the study tasks suggested in the notes, or use the reverse side of the page (if the single-sided printing option has been selected) to answer more fully. Any type of binding would be appropriate for the workbook, but schools find both plastic coil and ring binding very convenient.
Either on-screen or in hard copy, as a way of preparing for lessons. 
Purchase Options 
Teachers are invited to buy the Teaching Copy, which can be downloaded as a pdf file, saved and printed. They can then use it as their working copy of the novel (or alongside their own edition if they already have one). It provides a full series of chapter-based lessons which can be delivered very effectively by the 'question and answer' method, and makes suggestions for follow-up discussion, written tasks and other teaching strategies. 
Purchasers of the Teaching Copy who wish their students to have direct access to the resource will be able to go on to buy the full Classroom Collection, which will allow the saving, printing or photocopying of multiple copies and includes all of the following:
  • o The Teaching Copy as a pdf file, a secure way of holding the book in its original format
  • o The Teaching Copy as a Word file, allowing teachers to modify the material to suit their own needs - by adding or deleting comments and developing further written tasks, for instance, or by changing the font size or margin widths
  • o The Student Copy as a pdf file (text of the novel only)
  • o The Student Copy as a pdf file (with questions but no answers)
  • o The Student Copy as a pdf file (with questions, and answers in faded font)
  • o The Student Copy as a Word file (text of the novel only)
  • o The Student Copy as a Word file (with questions but no answers)
  • o The Student Copy as a Word file (with questions, and answers in faded font)
  • o A Copy Licence authorizing multiple hard copies (printer- or photocopier-generated) for use within the school
  • o A Site Licence to allow the workbook to be placed on the school's computer network
Using the master files to generate classroom copies will of course involve some work and some additional costs; but they can be off-set against the cost of (and delay in) buying the novel in book format. Students will benefit from having their own hard copy of the novel (which they can personalise) together with a very detailed study guide to support their exam preparation.
  • o Teaching Copy of the Workbook: US$14.95 (pdf file, single copy)
  • o The Classroom Collection as specified above:
Up to 10 print copies and a computer site licence
Up to 20 print copies and a computer site licence
More than 20 print copies and a computer site licence
Please ask
Invoice: To assist schools in making the purchase, we can supply an invoice in advance of payment. Please click on one of the 'Add to Basket' buttons alongside the book cover on this page, and then on the 'Purchase' button (above the book cover). When you have checked your order on the Purchase page, click on Next Step. You will then be able to complete our Invoice Request form. 
Alternatively, click on the 'Invoice Request' button at the foot of this page.
Note: Full on-screen use of the Classroom Collection will require Word 2002 or later and Adobe 4.0 or above. 
We'd be pleased to answer any questions you may have. Please email us:                                                                                                                                                           
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